Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cypress Woman

Cypress Woman   by J.A. Roney
There is a girl I know
a memory of a girl who
fought fists and words—  
insidious intrusions upon her
                        There is a spirit I know
                        which inhabits a woman
                        who remains my cypress tree;
                        evergreen needles protect her
                                                Her decades have allowed her
                                                own cypressene to accumulate
                                                in her woody-bones leaving her
                                                resistant, impervious¾protected
                                                                        There are whispers in the swamp
                                                                        her age may leave her vulnerable
                                                                        for attack of her very heartwood
                                                                        leaving her useless and hollow    
                                                Foolish for those who think
                                                a hollowed tree without purpose¾ 
                                                life lives in that open womb;
                                                black squirrel and screech owl
                        There she is! Her roots hold quick
                        to brackish swamp water as they
                        form patterns of gray beauty
                        in her own water-filled mist
She waits for no one, she claims
her own solitary space forgiving
those who didn’t see that
her pine needles never fell    

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